Friday, December 21, 2012
Wednesday, December 12, 2012
Friday, November 23, 2012
Monday, November 12, 2012
How can standing in the pissing rain all day trying to sell twigs wrapped in tin foil be a constructive use of anyone’s time and resources? I’m not sure selling “lucky heather” can be that much of a money-spinner anyway. Ok I'm sure the profit margin is good. Lets face it the product half of it is picked from a roundabout thus gratis and the tin foil you probably get a lot out of one roll. But I’m guessing making enough to live on is gonna be a problem even in good weather. Stopping people in the rain and trying to sell them a twig I just cant see the stops to sales ratios being worthwhile. If they where selling umbrellas I’m guessing it would be better. Now I’m not a multi million pound business mogul. That’s why I’m not on dragons den. But I'm pretty sure if they went on there and said we are gonna stop people in the rain and sell them twigs wrapped in tin foil they would get 5 “I’m outs” quicker than Garry glitter on there trying to get investment to open a Crèche.
Thursday, October 18, 2012
Monday, October 08, 2012
Wednesday, October 03, 2012
Wednesday, September 26, 2012
Monday, September 24, 2012
Friday, September 21, 2012
Monday, September 17, 2012
Monday, August 20, 2012
The spy/civil servant (wink wink) has finally been back. His delay was because he was watching the golf in America and fixing a leek for a military contractor in France. It was something about satellites but can tell me any more. He s good mates with all the golfers. He had a chat with Rory and told him not to party to much or it will give him a dip in form. Hes good mates with Darren but Darren won his major and recons its worth 55mill in sponsorship over 10 years and now can be bothered. Just wants to keep the money rolling in. then he kept talking about another bloke who’s in Aldershot who is going glazing work. And kept saying to me ,”we both know who I mean” “no I don’t” “ok if you say so” (wink) “no I really don’t know” he kept talking at me like I was pretending, and that if I sent his glasses to this bloke he would “sue” me. He wants some glasses that basically just don’t exist. And he thinks he knows everything about shooting and glasses. And clames that what he wearing is something its not. He was then banging on that he wanted me to contact the NHS and get his glasses records (there is no such thing kept by the nhs) I told him only where he got them from will have a record. Well they have done a runner. “I should put a trace on them, but its allocation of recourses isn’t it” “well I think she went to Alton” “really , ohh I know who she’s with, my father is the ex-mayor, so one phone call to him and ill find her” he then wanted me to take his details. And he gave me an address that was a load of houses for asbos, and down-and-outs. When I asked the postcode “post code? I don’t know the post code. Civil servants don’t use post codes”
Monday, August 13, 2012
Going on a coach journey to Scotland is in some ways very much like making love to a beautiful woman. Be on time, you don’t want to arrive to early. Before boarding you want to give the old gal a look over, check she looks like she’ll get there, especially keep your eye out for suspicious packages. Then stow you baggage securely and clamber on. Next you want to find a comftable position with a good view, preferably where you don’t have to make eye contact with any other men. Then the main aim is to hold out and hope your legs don’t get to numb
Buying trainers is very much like making love to a beautiful woman, first you need to have a peruse and locate one that you find aesthetically pleasing, paying close attention to the curves, and how puffy the tongue is. Then you need to sli
p gently inside and get some movement going to check the snugness. You need to make sure there’s no rubbing, you wouldn’t want a nasty blister. If its all sati
Playing pool is a lot like making love to a beautiful woman. First you pull out your cue, check the tip is in good order. Get a good grip, you don’t want to over balance or miss cue. Line up the balls being careful not to shoot early and aim for the pocket without potting your white. Pay extra care if you ball is squashed up against a cushion. And what ever you don’t unexpectedly change pockets
Wednesday, August 08, 2012
Thursday, August 02, 2012
Monday, July 30, 2012
Friday, July 20, 2012
Wednesday, July 04, 2012
Friday, June 29, 2012
Monday, June 25, 2012
The woman in boots if obously to used to dealing with to menny retards in this town. I need some more decongestants as I have something stuck in my catarrh. I had a look at the self and all the stuff on there is flu and hay fever based. So its all a decongestent and antihistamine, or decongestant and paracetamol and caffeine etc. so I go up to the counter and say “my doctor has told me to come here for some decongestants but they are not for a flu or hay fever just to clear my ear…..” she interrupts me and starts banging on about how your ears throat and nose are all connected, your sinuses too and evan your tears ducts are connected. So what started as me just trying to buy a decongested with no other crap in it. turned into a patronising anatomy lecture like I was 5, and she even repeated it all twice. As her second run threw is going on, im desperately trying to interrupt her by giving her the money. At then end of her second run threw she looked at me as if to expect a response from me like she had just passed on the secret of life the universe and everything. I simply replied with “yeah I know ta”
Thursday, May 31, 2012
Wednesday, May 30, 2012
Monday, May 28, 2012
Monday, May 14, 2012
Friday, May 11, 2012
Thursday, May 10, 2012
Just had some bloke come in and as for some glasses that have the lenses tinted only half was across the lenses. So clear on the left, black on the right. So that the black is covering the lights for on coming traffic. “umm wont that be a bit dangerous, like wareing blinkers. Stopping you from seeing anything to your right” “no cos you can turn your head, why dose no one seem to do them?” well my photo shop mock up….. This berk will probably be on dragons den soon
Wednesday, May 09, 2012
Friday, May 04, 2012
Friday, April 20, 2012
Wednesday, April 11, 2012
1.Theres a you need to “come get this thing that wouldn’t go threw your letter box” card, luckily the post office is across the road. The card say the package is for “ F.A.O harry 44 station road” so I lock the shop skip over the road and hand the guy the card. “Where’s you id?” “well it only says harry on it, and that my work” “need id” he walks passed my shop every day to by fag next door. So I skip back over to my shop and then return with my drivers licence. “that was quick” “well yeah! 44 station road is ya know across the road. this do?” he study’s if for a full 3 mins. With the only bit of info on it that correlates with package is the name harry. He reluctantly goes and gets me the box of lenses that I don’t really want anyway. So what if I had sent someone else to get it? what if it didn’t have FAO harry on it and it was just addressed to the shop?
2. woman come in shes had a fall. “My eyes been pushed in and I cant feel it.” “Pardon?” she starts poking herself in each eye and saying that her right eye if pushed into her head and she CAN’T feel it” “umm have you been to the doctor” “YES CORSE IVE BEEN TO THE DOCTOR!!!!! he thinks im imaging it.” (he’s not the only one)
3. phone rings, “are my glasses ready?” “hang on ill check” I look at the order “they are expected anyday now, the bank Holladay has probably delayed them slightly” “its probably me that’s delayed them…. Its my fault” “pardon?” “well I haven’t dropped them off yet?” “you have ordered a complete pair” “yes, I have to drop them off” im looking on the online order tracker “they will be here Friday” “ill drop them off Friday” “umm no…. come and collect them on Friday” “I don’t know what you mean” “your glasses will be ready on Friday, so come in on Friday” (im looking forward to that)
Wednesday, April 04, 2012
Wednesday, March 28, 2012
Monday, March 19, 2012
Woman comes in. “I should make an appointment” “ok ill just call up your details” “I don’t really want to book, you don’t have a lot of frames here” (I have 300 on the walls plus stock in draws and out back) “well I umm , have new stock coming in all the time. Also if you know what you want I can order it for you” (she books in after banging on about not having many glasses) “well I hope I don’t need any new glasses coz I don’t want any” (well what dose it fucking matter what I have in stock then?)
Foreign bloke comes in, doesn’t speak great English. “I have lost a goggle” tips out a spec case and a screw has come out of frame and the lens has dropped out. picking it up the sheer geekery and repetition of this kind of repair I know exactly what screw is needed. “I can sort that for you” im back in 30 seconds cleaning the glasses as I walk. “Here we are sir all back in one piece” and had them to him. “No repair?” “They are fixed” “can you no repair?” “its done” “no possible to repair?” “YES they are repaired” “no possible?” “YES you are holding the fixed glasses in your hands they are done!” “ohh…” “Look they are fixed” he puts them back in the case without looking says thank you and walks out.
Im not sure weather he actually knows ive fixed them