Thursday, October 18, 2012

Phone rings” hello im from (some company selling printer stuff) can I give you a quote for your toner” “ok (I tell her all the details) “right well replacement toners for that are £90 but we can sell them to you for £70” “the whole printer cost £50” “right, well what do you pay at the moment?” “£20 from the printer store round the corner” “£20 well that that has got to be remanufactured” “yes it is” “well ours are double capacity” “right so your saying one £70 toner does 2000 pages and 1 £20 toner does 1000 pages. So buying 3 £20 toners I could do 1000 more pages and have a tenner change” “well the print qualities brilliant” “I don’t really care, I hate to say it comes down to money, but what your proposing is silly” “silly!!!?” “yeah masses more money for less pages” “ok well if you buy a years worth ill do the cartages for £45 plus vat and throw in a welcome gift, and also take used cartages away” “that’s still more” “no its not” “look one of your toners for £45 witch you have magically slashed the price to half of the original £90 still costs more than 2 toners from the shop round the corner.” “but but but ours is a better deal” “no its not” “so can I sign you up” “No you cannot” “but but but please” “no bye bye” “but….” I hang up

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