Wednesday, August 08, 2012

“I want some verifocals” “ok” (small discussion about frames) “so when I buy them how long have I got to get my money back” “money back?” “yeah if I don’t get on with them” “well in the unlikely event of that, I wouldn’t actually give you your money back, I would replace then lenses with eather a bi focal or a single vision, I’d change it to what ever you wanted” “so you wouldn’t give me my money back” “not as such no” “well…” “… The lenses would be change to something you have previously has success with..” “.. bifocals” “yes, but honestly with the lenses I use ive not had to do anything like that for years, I think the last time was around 2006” “well all the other opticians in town I have been to have given me my money back” “so you have done this before” “ a few times yea. So you wont even refund me the difference?” “Difference? No I’ll change them” “well hows that fair?” “Fair?” “well say I buy a 400 pound pair and then after a few days I cant get on with them you change them to a 100 pound pair of bifocals im 300 pounds out of pocket. So you wont even refund me the difference that’s so unfair” “ummm unfair? Your looking at it the wrong way, that would be beyond unfair on me, so you pay £400 and get the verifocals. Then I pay for the £100 bifocals, you pay nothing and then I give you £300. so in that scenario ive payed for 500 pounds worth of glasses and you have payed £100. That leaves me massively out of pocket for something from the way you are talking you are fully not expecting to even learn how to use” “what?” “well if you have tried all this before, why should I spend a considerable amount of my time and my money on you and a pair of glasses that are going to go in the bin” (he starts to stumble over his words) “but … umm… that’s.. all I want is my money back if” “ if I did what you are suggesting for everyone I would be flushing money and recourses down the toilet, id be bankrupt within a week” “ I don’t think that’s fair” “well how is me buying you a pair of glasses for you that are going in the bin a good use of either of our time” “but but but im a customer” “well strictly speaking no your not you haven’t bought anything, so look, the simplest thing here is for us not to bother”

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