Monday, August 13, 2012

bit of a change from the norm. a chat at the weekend about swiss toni made me come up with a few swiss toni gags.

Going on a coach journey to Scotland is in some ways very much like making love to a beautiful woman. Be on time, you don’t want to arrive to early. Before boarding you want to give the old gal a look over, check she looks like she’ll get there, especially keep your eye out for suspicious packages. Then stow you baggage securely and clamber on. Next you want to find a comftable position with a good view, preferably where you don’t have to make eye contact with any other men. Then the main aim is to hold out and hope your legs don’t get to numb

Buying trainers is very much like making love to a beautiful woman, first you need to have a peruse and locate one that you find aesthetically pleasing, paying close attention to the curves, and how puffy the tongue is. Then you need to sli
p gently inside and get some movement going to check the snugness. You need to make sure there’s no rubbing, you wouldn’t want a nasty blister. If its all sati
sfactory get the shop assistant to go fetch you a new pair, you don’t want keep one that another man has tried first.

Playing pool is a lot like making love to a beautiful woman. First you pull out your cue, check the tip is in good order. Get a good grip, you don’t want to over balance or miss cue. Line up the balls being careful not to shoot early and aim for the pocket without potting your white. Pay extra care if you ball is squashed up against a cushion. And what ever you don’t unexpectedly change pockets
Using a cash machine is very much like making love to a beautiful woman. First you need to find one that isn’t going to charge you for the service. Locate the correct slot, it should take your card willingly and firmly as long as there’s no imperfections of damage to it. Then you need to press the buttons, always best done away from prying eyes. If done correctly soon enough soon enough it will open up and pay out.
lets hope i dont get a letter from charile higsons soliciters

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