Friday, May 04, 2012

Some bloke just walks in wearing a wax jacket. And says hes selling credit card services, and that they buy the shops contract off the bank ect. (seems to be similar thing to phone companies buying your contract with BT) “im sorry you’d have to speak to the owner about that and he not here” “can I see one of your statements from the bank?” “umm no, this is a matter for the owner” “here is my card so that proves im genuine, so can I see a bank statement?” “No you cannot, ill pass your card to the owner(‘s bin)”

How the hell does a business card prove you are “genuine” I think ill get 100 printed up saying 20 pound note inspector from the royal mint, and go round into shops asking to take away notes for “checking”. “Here’s a 1p business card I got printed at a motorway service station so that proves im genuine”

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