Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Wooop deee fricking do it’s a date that if you ignore parts of the date its all the same number. 12/12/12 if you ignore 2000 years. 20/12/2012 is probably more note worthy, but in the same way any bloody date is note worthy. A whole page in the paper today was about some kid that 12 today so the little turd is 12 years old on the twelfth day of the twelfth month of two thousand and twelve. Woo bloody who and then at the end they said whats even more incredible is he was born at twelve minuets to twelve. So 11:48 then!!!!!! yeah that is incredible(PFFFFFFT)  11:48. bet the little shit is hateing his mum for not holding him in for another 24 minuets and running his big day.

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