Thursday, September 27, 2007

Well the weekend was fun nice to talk shit with the chizz again, she shouldn’t go away so much, coz it makes kev lonely and I have no access to my attorney.

I actually lost my rag in a comedy way, I was camping up my anger, but I was being kecked awake every 2 mins for the best part of 3 hours to play Mario party. With was quite litry hell on earth and I kept being forced to go up the exhaust vent. With is not taking crack fuck knows where someone got that from. It’s a kid’s game.

I finally got my phone back. Well I got a replacement, so I have lost everything. So if everyone would be kind enough to txt me there numbers I would be grateful. Or if you don’t, you won’t get txt inviting to out because I need people to sit near me with I destroy my liver.

Halo 3 is not too shabby. What is shabby is the fucking box. The normal box is fine. No drama there. But the collectors edition that is 10 sterlings more. Include a making of disk and a hardback book and a few odds and sods. The problem is some dumb got the idea to not use the same kind of spools like a normal dvd box.. You know the bit you push and pop the disk on. With this just has a metal peg. That doesn’t compress like plastic. So you eather have to force the disc on, causing damage to the hole in the disk. Or it falls off. With everyone one of them has done in transit. The disk is free inside the metal tin with only the metal peg to rum against. So you 50 sterlings get you a nice book and a few odds and sod but the most important part is now about as good a as beer mat. Microsoft are doing a fill in a for and send off you disk and get a free replacement. But fuck that is going to take a min of a week with all the postage.

Not only do they have a consaul that was built from second rate. Nay a 9th rate part that dies, they get the most anticipated game of all time (so far) and make it so the packaging damages the product. As if the fucking machine isn’t going to do that for you aswell. I just hope it all holds together wilst I finish the fight.


Mona Mayfair said...

you kept saying dirt pipe. I asked what it meant and someone swore it was something to do with crack.

Mona Mayfair said...

I wish I'd kept the pic of you with the wii controller stuck to your head - it was classic!