Wednesday, September 12, 2007


How bad must I have got when my horoscope has told me to stop drinking?
Thats what it said today? It said, “don’t drink alcohol drink water you need it”


Mona Mayfair said...

I didn't want to say it but - I told you so! lol

conroy bumpas said...

what you wrote my horoscope. the perchised every copy of the daily express so i had to buy the nazi mail

Mona Mayfair said...

Yes I wrote your horoscope. No what I meant was I told you last night you just needed to do things in moderation. Ah the nazi Mail, yes it is rather right wing isn't it? A bit like the Sun sometimes (although that's usually just silly). I didn't think you'd be the sort to even read your horoscope. That surprised me the most!