Thursday, September 06, 2007

Ruining peoples lives.

On the advice of a few people I know I started a face book thing. This is completely different to my sheeetcannon thing. And on the advise of my attorney I did the compare people thing as “it can ruin peoples lives”. It pops up 2 of your friends and a question and you have to pick one. The questions range from witch one you prefer to travel with, to witch one you’d rather get a bonk on with. All very puerile but quite addictive. The its show you your results where you are in a kind of personality leaderbord. One this that struck me as strange is I failed to win and of the who would you rather kiss me or… lost those every single one. But I fucking own at the who would you rather marry. Yep people want to marry me but no kiss or have bangawang with me. I know its probably down to who I was compared with. If I kept being put up against brad pitt on the kissing front, then sure id expect to loose but I doubt he on facebook. Who are they comparing me with on the marrying front Pavarotti. Its probably down to who the other choice is but I cant help feeling like some people have got me down a safe bet. When everything goes tits up in their life and there a 40 or something lets go grab Harry hes the kind of pussy that’s going to do the washing up when I tell him. I feel like millhouse from the Simpson’s.

On another note I had to tell someone that there eyes are screwed. I didn’t say that I just looked at the forms and she burst into tear and said “why wont anyone tell me what s wrong, all this treatment is useless” I sat in my chair afraid to look up. It was the most uncoftable few minutes of my life. Well I’m going to make whoever has got me a safe bet, stand in, reserve husband have a really uncomfortable few minuets on the honeymoon

1 comment:

Chris said...

My nickname in College was "Housewives Choice" because so many Mums had expressed the opinion that I was good marriage material for their daughters.