Monday, July 09, 2007

I upset, to the point of making cry a mates girlfriend. I’m not proud of this fact. She had next to no clothes on and I was dressed as a pirate. But that wasn’t what made her cry. I may have been a factor if I was the one almost naked. Me naked is unpleasant for everyone concerned. What made her cry was the fact she was drunk. And she told me she have been to see a clairvoyant fortuneteller. She was trying to tell me that it was not real. Now fortunetellers piss me off. If they where like this is a bit of fun I'm going to tell you some stuff abut yourself ect… then yes that would be grate. Mentalist do this and they are some of the best magic acts there are. But they don’t they tell you that are real and play with you emotions. Take your money. And some poor people base important life decisions on the “advice” they are given. How are you sure they are not real I hear you cry. Now skipping all cold and hot reading and other mentalist techniques, (ill say a bit about them later) and the fact that people want to believe things, the power of suggestion, yeah leaving all that aside there is two things that make me sure.

Harry Houdini ( he spent the later paer of his life exposeing these type of people as fakes. He was so pasionate about exposeing people like this it cost him a lot of friends one of witch was Arthur Conan Doyle. Houdini has an arangemts with his wife that when he was dead he would return and give her a code that only she would know. If there was any way at all he would get the message to her. No matter what it took. But no mediem, fortune teller or phycic every deliverd the code. Hundreds tried. It is also proposed that he was poisioned by spirtulist rather than died from being punched and ruptering his apendix.

The James Randi prise. “ 1 million dollars for anyone that can display in a controlled setting and “super” powers” this is not the only prise of this type but it the most famous. So really if you pass this test then you can do the others so you’re probably looking at about 5 to 10 million. All they have to do is perfome under a mutually agreed control condition and the money is there’s. Its been running for 30 years I think and no one has every won. Infact no one has ever got passed the paleminatry stages. When people are asked why don’t the do it the only excuse not to is that they don’t want the money. But I can think of loads of charities that could benefit the money. If these people are helping people buy giving them comfort by getting messages by loved ones. How about they get the prize and give it to cancer research then maybe the loved ones would still be alive.

So in short I hate the way these people mess with people emotions and take their money. I’ll make you cry for free if you want. In fact I’m exceedingly tempted to learn how to cold read to prove a point. Its 6-months till my next magic show. Lets see how it goes.

The poor girl who had been suckered was sadly well and truly convinced even to the point she was telling me. “The reader was so good, she was telling me about relatives I dint even know I had.” And “she told me about my ex-boyfriend Dave…” I replied with. Not your husband then? Or my mate that you are going out with now? She didn't mention anything about that. She thought info on a guy you went out with for a bit a few years ago was not more important than a guy you are still married to or the guy you are with. Everyone knows someone called Dave.

Here are some links about stuff much better written than I can

Cold reading
A clip from penn and teller
If you can find it anywhere watch penn and teller bullshit : talking to the dead

1 comment:

Chris said...

I'm a big fan of Penn and Teller when they stick to subjects like these. I hate it when they try and do more difficult and complex issues like gun control and environmentalism, then they just come across as Libertarian ideologues. Stick to exposing the con artists boys.