There are some times I really fucking hate Aldershot
Today I've woken up and I feel a bit pissed off. The morning passed with my shop not being that busy. The people who did come just annoyed me. I woman came in the shop the stood in the middle of it with an expression on her face like she had no idea how she got there. I said hello to her 3 times before she acknowledged my existence. Then she sort of drifted around in a cercal of the shot then shuffled out. I of the tings that really annoy me is when people call me and make an appointment. Then say hold on I haven’t got a pen or my diary. When they called me to make the appointment. Then the go off find it the spend another 10 mins of my life booking it. The when the booking is over. They phone me back saying they can’t make it. Then 10 more mins rebooking. Then they phone back state away again. This dick head did this to me today 4 times. Wanker. I got harassed by the ropy looking pikey twins and there mother trying to “sell” me luck in twig form. The streets here are filled with chavs screaming at each other. And I shit you not a woman walked massed my shop. Walking towards a bin (and she walked passed it). She threw a bottle of coke on the floor 5 steps before she got to the bin. And the kicked the bin which takes up half the width of the pavement as she went passed. That’s the kind of cunts you get here. People come out of the shop next door with cigarettes jump on the bin. Unwrap and light up and throw the wrapper on the floor and not in the bin they are sat on. I just can understand the thought prosses of the retards
To use an 80’s term I hate litterbugs……. Hopefully I can shit this mood tonight at badminton
Get a spell checked ya fool!
Dyslexia aint no excuse.
LOL. That was supposed to say get a spell checker!
Cougar, 'ain't' has an apostrophe. Get your grammar checked you fool.
See, it's easy to be a smug langauge bastard. Haz, you should check out Pinker's The Language Instinct, he has a whole chapter about why grammar and spelling nazis are scientifically wrong.
Sorry I haven't commented in ages big man. Will rememdy this in future. Southern Chavs are definately different from Scottish Chavs, (or Neds as they are called). The main difference seems to be that Neds are even more incomprehensible.
nice one chris
the sad thing is i do spell check it!!!!
the problem is the spell checker cannot come up with the word i want because i have got so few letters in the right order. and other times its gives me 10 words and i dont know witch is the right one. its strange i can read . but when you put lots of words the same next to each other i cant tell witch is the one i want. eg. rely really raly reilly reply relay
langauge - language
nazis - Nazis
rememdy - remedy
definately - definitely
Enough said.
You can't be a smug language bastard if you can't spell yourself.
"spelling nazis are scientifically wrong."
it always amazeses me the little argements that go on in the wake of things i wright on the internet.
im shure my spelling will one day cause the apocolips
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