Friday, June 01, 2007


Please note I cannot be held responsible for any mental, physical, emotional, spiritual, karma, dharma, metaphysical, religious, philosophical, Logical, Ethical, Aesthetical, or financial damage caused by this post

If you have issues about human and animal rights don’t read this

I have hated reality TV from the start. The only way big brother could be interesting to me is if there is no food. 30 people, last person not cannibalised wins. Wins passably only there freedom too. Fame and pop and whatever idol and star. Is just something people watch-to-watch fools that think they can sing at the beginning. and I like mocking people as much and the next sadist, but I relly think something like that needs to be taken to the next level. Adding an element of peril always spices things up. And combat stimulants.

So I think that nothing would be more watchable that MONKEY VS MIDGET : DEATHMATCH

Obously its just a concept an the moment and I have yet to submit the idea to any major cable channel. Coz lets face it the bbc aint gonna touch this with yours. Im thinking bravo or men and moters. Hell evan a poker channal might.coz there is going to be hudge betting potental. Lets face it its not going to be like the WWE. Old me oiled up in tight lycra trunks. If that turns you on your reading the wrong blog. Monkeys and midgets is where it is.

Two angry combat jused competitors in a cage. Crowed throwing in weopens that can be used by bouth primate and diminuative. Im shure the drugs are gonna have to be so stong that they cant feel when limbs get ripped off. Cos the best bit is when a monkey beats a miget to death with its own disembodied arm, swinging down from the cage. The gasps of the crowed ….. throwing in garden shears. Nothing is funnier than a monkey with a sythe.

Half running man half celebraty deathmatch

The ideas are limitless just as long as peta or amnesty don’t lynch me first

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