God VS Sony
it is with almost disbalf that i saw the news that the church was seeking legal action because the game resistence fall of man is in it. ive played the game so ill give to a breef rundown of what happens. its an alternative reality in the 1950's and some aliens have invaded europe. your a lone solder blaa blaa blaa save the world. the lvls are based in diffrent cityes . lvl 2 (i think) is manchester. the game is basicly you alking about streets engaging the alen hord in scermishes. very much like half life two. and to think of it like most first person shooters. this is bascly a world war 2 shooter with alens insted of nazi's. in the section in mancherster you clear a few alens from building and then you and some troopes walk into a semi distroyed church. its a trap. and hundreds to scorpion type alens swarm you. you shoot them. you go to the next room thers a few bigger aleins then you leave threw a side door. there is no gangsters no hot coffee mod. just a 3 min part of a game. in about 3 lvls time is set in chedder in summerset. does that meen the torist bord is going to sue sony too coz it will make people think there is aleins there?
now i dont know if the church in the game looks anything like manchester cathedral. im shure it may look a bit like it. as thoes kind of bildings userly have staind gless windows and pughs. i have played menny other games that have gun fights in churches. and films lets face it most john woos films have them in. most world war 2 games do. rainbow six vagus has, pain killer, serously there is loads. i haded evan notised the location with and intresed. im sertanly not going to walk into a chuch with a gun, but then it would be handy if i was being attacked by a swarm of alen scorpions. with computer games they are made so you can do fun things that you cant do in real life. its escapeism like a film or a book. most people are doing somthing compleatly mundain before they comit an act of violence. bloke leave the loo seat up. woman gets angry and slaps him. im shure thats happend more than once. but its unremarkable. kid was playing on the computer brother switches the machine of kid gets annoyed punches brother. i know thats happens few times. but people jump on there houres and say it the games that made him hit his brother.
your always going to get loonies. its not the books they read the films they watch or the games they play. its them. too menny people with too much time on there hands are jumping up and down bleaming things for whats wrong with the world.
i have played spider man. and i dont want to jump off a building in new york. lots of games are in real world locations
if its a matter of copyright thatn thats going to be intresting to see what happens. that seems to be put on the back burner in favor of the moral coruption of games. the building was totaly 3d made and teh textures where painted by i texter mapper. the bulding was not made of digatal photos. like the game the gettaway (also made by sony). if the church wins and sony have to pay up coz they used a building with out permision. dose that mean that the other buldings you goin in in the game can the owners sue aswell? if the game was just on earth and not ever metions what city or contry its in none of this would ever have happend. its only the guy who wrote the plot for the game wanted to make a change and put in the names of some real plases to make the game have more of a plot.
im not too good at talking about issues like this as i can never quite say what i mean.
i think that people should be cureing things rather than worrieing what outher people play watch and do. it infrindgeing our freedom.
people mean well. but i bet most protesting agains this game have never and will never have played it. its not evan that good.
second thought its not God vs Sony
its well meaning meddlers Vs everyone else's freedom
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