Saturday, May 19, 2007

like fater like son

Please note I cannot be held responsible for any mental, physical, emotional, spiritual, karma, dharma, metaphysical, religious, philosophical, Logical, Ethical, Aesthetical, or financial damage caused by this post

at work i was dishing out some glasses to a bloke and they where designer. and as desiner things go most have cases bags and other crap paper things. infact half a rain forist full acompanys your perchase.

me "fit ok?"
him "lovly. relly pleased with them"
me " because they are desinger you also get this poincey bag"

he pauses for a second. then i relise hes gay. he lokes desiger stuff espesaly the daft bag. and i have just insulted him to the very core of his being.

i go and tell my father just incasese there is any repucushons. terns out hes the reseptionisets next door nabour. my old man has a bit of a chuckle and tells me to be a bit more carful when im talking

he shouts

"theres a time bandit out side!!!" pointing at a person of diminuitive stature

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