Friday, May 04, 2007

C.N.P.S and days i have lived

over the easter i watched a dvd by richard herring (whos new show im seeing tonight) in the show he talks about a game called C.N.P.S

the rules are basicly twisted obsessive compulsive disorder. my drunken mind desidd to half arsed play this game to see how far you could get without trying. 2 weeks passed an i was yet to spot a 1. and some more of my friends saw the DVD. the desided to play and they in a week were on 7 and 8. not to be out done i desided to make it harder formyself. i desided i was going to take a pic of evey plate in order then turn it into a monumentus flick book video going from 1 to 999. (i stared to worry myself) this picture challange i set myself have just made one of the most obsessive compulsive things i have ever herd of a bit more hardcore. as i can now no count anthing that i can get a pic of. so playing the game when driveing is now out of the option.

for weeks have passed and now i am looking for a 9. im shure there is some higher power tormenting me becase i know where a 10 11 12 and 13 are. and i keep seeing cars parked in rows in sequence. its shocking

days i have been alive #9,568

days playing C.N.P.S #26

at this rate its going to be a long game. i hope i have the sence to give up. and not start playing it properly. but i fear i maybe passed that

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