Saturday, November 24, 2007

The seen, me tapping away on the compy.

Enter old man

“hello. Can I help you?”
“its alright lad…. I can see”
“ive just been using the cash mashine next door”
“its giving me trouble”
“it gave me 10 pounds”
“I wanted 2 fivers”
“ok…. You do realsis that this is an opticians and the cash mashine next door is on the wall of the actulal bank that it belongs to?”
(I look at him blankly)
“cant you just give me 2 fivers”
“no…. try the bank”
“fine… sorry to put you out” (said quite sarcasticly)
“thank you bye bye…….(door closes) ”

1 comment:

Mona Mayfair said...

You get quality customers, Haz!