Friday, April 20, 2007

things like this hapen to me all the time

ok now im a geek. i play videogames alot. a few years aboy metal gear solid 3 came out, and about a week before my playstation 2 dies. so i never got to play it. i didnt buy a new ps2 as i had and xbox. but i always wanted to get around to playing it at some point

now i have my shiny new ps3. i check the backwards compatabilaty list. and only the special edition version of mgs3 plays for some reason. ok fine. im shure i will stumble on a second had copy at some pont. that some pont was at lunch yesterday. ltd ed with good disks. price £27.99. the game was 2 sterlings more when it was brand new. but its the only ltd copy i have seen in years. i looked on amazon and they where selling second hand copys same price. ohh well i thought. always trade it in after if i get a bit skint,

i get home set up my ps3. ****** there is a new update 1.6 to 1.7***** right i go to the shops and grab me a six pack. (beer ok im not feeling up men). get home install the update. brill im ready. riped the lid off a cold one, sip the throth, and stick in the disk. silence

****this game is not compatable with the 1.7 version****

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