Wednesday, March 05, 2014

Creepy encounter with a woman at lunch. In the centre there is a space that has different stands 50% of the time it’s a charity. The other half its will wrighting or insurance etc. I try to amble passed it as fast as possible as to not have precious minuets of my lunch break wasted. Today im walking passed it and a woman blocks my way. Attempting to hand me a leaflet. She kind of odd looking. Fairly normal at first glance. smartly dressed and in her 20’s but her jacket looks about 20 years old and very worn, and her glasses look like a snail has been using them for a treadmill. I can’t see the front of the stand. “What’s it for?” “Do you have a few mins?” “not really I have to get back to work (look in cex for an mp3 player)” “shame” she snatches back the leaflet and looks sad. “What’s if for?” “Na ahh, what time do you finish work?” “umm 5” “ok well ill wait for you, come back at 5” “wha..” “Bye for now, see you at five, I’ll be waiting for you, you can find out then ”  and starts doing a little flappy hand wave at me.

Now. Im not saying anything or accusing anyone of anything but I just think it’s a tiny coincidence that when ever the funeral place hearse rolls passed in the morning the “luck heather” “women” have flowers instead of heather when I pass them at lunch

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