Wednesday, April 03, 2013

I hear nothing but how wonderful apple are at customer care. My phone won’t back up and the mrs is buying an ipad. “yeah don’t drop the ipad coz they are really fragile and a new screen is £270 so its not worth repairing you might as well buy a mini when they break” top work there telling us how shit the product is just as we part with cash. “my phone wont back up” “well its over a year old so nothing we can do, you can make an appointment to see the people over there but all they will do is restore it to factory settings for you, so you should do that yourself and save the cost of seeing them” “but that will loose everything on the phone” “yeah” “but I don’t want to do that im trying to back up” “yeah?” “So your saying the best thing to do is loose all the stuff on my phone” “umm well yeah” “brilliant”  apple geniuses more like apple geantards

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