Friday, February 08, 2013

The odd old woman who in the newsagent remember her? Gets shitty when I use big notes just to buy the paper etc. well anyway probably once a month I go in there buy the milk and paper and then get back into work open the cupboard and find there is no tea. So immediately walk back in the newsagents for some tea bags. She for some reason thinks this is far funnier than it really is. Well that happened today.
“hahahaha they drank all your tea again”
“yeah” (thin smile and a shrug)
“hahaha they are always doing that to you and never buying any”
“Well they claim to be to busy too” (like its that much of an inconvenience, this conversation is more of an inconvenience)
“I don’t drink tea”
“ohh right, I do probably the only way I get milk”
“ I don’t drink milk”
“well if I didn’t id probably get rickets or osteoporosis or something”
“I don’t even have milk in the house” (she proclaims proudly whilst beaming from ear to ear revealing the only 3 teeth in her head giving me enough time to see that they are the colour of a snowball rolled in burnt engine oil.

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