Thursday, August 15, 2013

Its been a little while but I think this one counts…. Lady walks in and says “my eyes look tired” “do they?” “well I think they do… look at them!” (She stares at me strangely) “I really can’t tell, well if you like I can book you in for a full eye test. We can check everything over.” “Then what?” “well we'll try to find out the reason, and if necessary refer or write a report to the doctor if its anything that needs further attention” “are you saying its not my eyes and it something wrong with my head?” “umm…im not saying anything is wrong with anything, im offering you an eye appointment” (she then starts to chuckle, and then breaks into a full laugh and bends over double with her hand on the counter supporting her weight. I sit there doing nothing. She snaps out of it joker stile “WELL YOU CAN LAUGH (she shouts angrily” “I didn’t lau…” “WEEEEELLLLLL YOU CAN LAUGH, YOU’RE YOUNG, YOUR NOT WERAING GLASSES, I BET YOU DON’T EVEN NEED GLASSES” “well not for..” she goes to storm off but isn’t strong enough to open the door and spends the time it takes me to get up and walk round the desk she wriggles out of gap that taken all her might to open. “Bye” i say closing the door

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