Wednesday, December 18, 2013

A man with no teeth and resembled the bloke who drank the wrong holy grail and was about half way threw the clay-mation dieing, was at my window. he made weird noises as to attract my attention. (I tried no to make eye contact if fear of him coming in and then I would have to go get some air freshener.) I gave in and looked at him coz the noises where getting louder  “fire engine” he said looking at me wild eyed with a gummy grinned. Then he walked off

Monday, December 16, 2013

Came home from taking the wife to work to find the cat chewing on one of her bras. I coughed as to attract his attention. he jumped and looked at me. he staired at me wide eyed and mouth open for a full 10 seconds. Then ran off

Monday, December 02, 2013

remember kids , cats have claws. sitting they minding my own business. BANG cat claw in the face. second trip to hospitol later.... lets hope the ladys like eye patches