A quest for stamps….
Walk in a queue up at the till in the co-op. takes ages. Many Old women are buying 60 john player specials, and you know they will be in there tomorrow doing the same. I get to the front and ask for 2 book of 12 first class stamps and 4 books of second. The girl looks at me like im talking another language. Then it starts to dawn on her what I have asked for. Then her face contorts and looks like I have asked her a riddle. “you do have stamps right?” “yeah” she pulls out some tatty tea stained bit card that could well have been a bit of cereal packet. And start to punch in some codes to the till. It rings up the correct price. (im slightly shocked) I hand over £40 and she automatically puts it into a note deposit box. (not sure what they are called but the are under the till and the put the notes in then press a “clacky” button and then light fingered staff can pilfer the monies.) she then opens a box and looks slightly shocked. “there’s no stamps” I do my best to only look slightly annoyed and my best raising 1 eyebrow like Rodger Moore (witch I cant do). She calls over someone and they take 5 mins and open another box and there’s no stamps. Then they call someone from “out back” (and the might as well been in the sodding outback for the time it took them to arrive) then they said the would get someone to look in the safe and see if there was stamps. Whilst this was going on I asked if I could have my change. As the woman serving me was extremely likely to forget. As I suspected she had, and had to serve someone else in order to get the till open. The person came from the safe in the outback and reported there was no stamps. “ohh well have to do a refund” and bless her she picked up and under stood why I was giving her the stink eye when she picked up a gift card in order to process my “refund”. “ill get the supervisor as I cant get your money its in the box” that’s 25 mins of my life I wont get back. It all could have been prevented by something simpler than a noel Edmonds game show. LOOKING IN A BOX